To Call the US from Cuba
Dial +119-1-US number (either cell phone or land line)
Remember that these calls can be very expensive. A pre-paid phone card costs approximately $10 CUC, which you can buy directly from the telephone company, ETECSA or your hotel; you can use the card while calling from the blue colored public phones. Alternatively, it is suggested to use the Internet facilities at your hotel. Email and Wi-Fi are available.
To Call Cuba Cell Phone Line from the US
Dial +011-53-5-Cuban cell phone number
To Call Cuba from the US
Dial +011-53-7-(if calling Havana) Cuban phone number
Phone & Calling Home
It may be very expensive to use your phone while in Cuba. The least expensive thing to do is to buy a prepaid telephone card, call home and ask your dear ones to call you back. It is a lot less expensive. You can also use WhatsApp and iMessage to communicate over Wi-Fi.